Three Ways to Recognize and Minimize Burnout

Anyone routinely exposed to elevated levels of stress can experience burnout. It can be hard to identify but can cause people to be depressed and withdraw from normal life activities. It can also cause your body to have a weakened immune system resulting in more illness.

If you feel as though you’re drowning in a never ending list of work with no time for hobbies or friends that you used to enjoy, it is time to take preventive measures to tackle this burnout.

Sometimes, there is no immediate solution for the level of work and stress that you are facing, but there are things you can do— starting today, to help alleviate some of the symptoms of burnout.

1. Exercise - You’ve known for a long time that exercise is good for you but it can also give you an emotional boost. If you don’t have time for a full workout everyday consider mini workouts and walks. Once you start seeing the benefits, you might be able to find a way to fit more exercise into your schedule.

2. Eat a balanced diet - Foods with Omega 3 fatty acids can be a natural antidepressant. Try adding fish, walnuts, and flaxseed oil to your diet to improve your outlook on life.

3. Ask for help - This can be difficult to do but everyone needs help at one time or another so reach out to those loved ones even if it’s just to let out your frustrations and feelings of overwhelm.

It’s important to practice self care habits to prevent or alleviate symptoms of burnout. Small self care things like going for a walk or watching a favorite show can go a long ways towards preventing burnout.


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